Innovation: What does it mean for business? - with Lloyds Innovation Growth expert Iryna Chekanava

The concept of innovation has increasingly evolved into a broader business context.

// Nicola Nicholson

// Nicola Nicholson

Programme Founder, Emergent / Head of Marketing, Gen II

As investors and finance professionals, we know that innovation is more than just a buzzword. It has become a fundamental pillar for companies striving to remain competitive, adaptable, and profitable. But what does innovation truly mean?

According to Iryna Chekanava, Senior Manager of Innovation Growth and Partnerships at Lloyd’s, businesses must prioritize innovation in order to drive value, future-proof their portfolios and outperform their competitors. In this post, we’ll share her breakdown of what innovation means, and what it could mean for investment funds, financial services, and private equity today.

The essence of innovation

Innovation encompasses a set of business practices and methods designed to ensure relevance, resilience, and long-term sustainability. It’s an integral aspect of a company’s strategy, business model and culture – with forward-thinking ideas often embedded into its DNA. Investment firms, which have traditionally been focused on operational efficiency and tried-and-true models, are now recognizing that innovation is critical for success in today’s market.

The concept of innovation has evolved over the years, moving from its early association with research and scientific work into a broader business context. With the rise of technology and increased competition from disruptive challengers and startups, innovation is the new way forward. Companies like Kodak and Nokia – once giants in their respective fields – are often cited as cautionary tales of what happens when firms fail to embrace innovation in time.

How innovation could impact funds: 

For both established and emerging investment funds, innovation is no longer optional. It is therefore a necessity for you, as an investment professional, to ensure portfolio companies remain competitive in the ever-evolving economic and technological landscape. Funds are increasingly leveraging data analytics, AI, and machine learning to optimize processes, enhance decision-making and strengthen their dealflow.

Here are just some of the ways that prioritizing innovation can help benefit your fund:

Unlocking new revenue streams: Innovation can enable you to explore new markets, create new products and enhance existing offerings. This outward focus on innovation helps to identify growth opportunities in emerging sectors and geographies.

Gaining a competitive edge: In an increasingly competitive marketplace, first movers have an undeniable advantage. By embedding innovation into the core of your strategy, you can help your portfolio companies maintain or gain market leadership. Whether it’s through data-driven insights, new product lines or more efficient operations – innovation cements your firm’s position in the market.

Achieving strategic goals: Private equity funds typically have a long-term investment horizon. For them, innovation is crucial for realizing growth and transformation over the medium to long term (3-5+ years). It not only aligns with financial objectives but also plays a pivotal role in cultural change within portfolio companies.

Lowering operational costs: By using technology to streamline operations and optimize processes, you can reduce transaction costs, increase operational efficiency, and generate higher returns.

Creating a flywheel effect: The beauty of investing in innovation is that it creates a self-reinforcing cycle. Early successes in innovation initiatives build internal momentum, motivating continued investment and unlocking further opportunities. You can easily repurpose methodologies from one successful venture for another, enabling a compounding effect on growth.

Enhancing brand reputation: Innovation establishes a forward-thinking image for your fund’s brand. This not only strengthens relationships with existing investors but also positions your firm as a pioneer for future fundraising.

Innovation is a commitment 

Today’s businesses face plenty of headwinds, but the prioritization of innovation is an important pathway toward consistent growth. Fund managers must recognize this, even in volatile markets. It’s worth the effort to increase the odds of shareholder value and ensure long-term survival.

Simply put: Innovation is no longer just a strategic advantage, it’s an imperative. Are you ready to make the commitment?